Geraldine Summer Fête now welcomes 4,000 people through the gate, making it one of Canterbury’s biggest and longest running fêtes, bringing a flood of visitors into the district from around the country. ‘It was Mum’s idea initially,’ explains Deanna, who runs the fête. ‘Mum had always wanted to open up her garden and host an event that would support local charities and get people visiting the district.
‘Initially it was a daunting venture, and now 12 years later the event continues!’
The historic Stover Farm, located five minutes’ drive from Geraldine, is a working farm that has been in the Mackenzie family for five generations. It’s hard to imagine a more perfect setting for a country fête – wide lawns divided by tall towering hedges; extensive gardens in glorious spring-time bloom bordered by large oak trees; stunning views where a patchwork of pastures meets the snow-capped alps – taking this all in while music meanders around the venue.
The quality and variety of stalls are a large part of the success of the fête – selling everything from plants and garden art, baby clothes, fashion, jewellery, art, lifestyle gifts, and a delicious array of food. With over 400 stall applications each year, whittling it down to 200 is no mean feat. ‘We look for their presentation, the quality of their products, and where it’s going to fit in for our visitors. You have to curate the stalls, ensuring there’s enough variety and something different each year, making it a remarkable shopping experience. We work diligently at ensuring only top-quality products are exhibited that we know our visitors are going to love. It’s the best time to get the Christmas shopping done.
‘It’s always delightful to hear every year how much the stallholders have enjoyed the fête. We’re so grateful for the great vendors we have here in Canterbury and beyond; some have been with us since day one.’
Local clubs benefit from the fête, including the Geraldine Lions and Lionesses, Geraldine St John and South Canterbury Hospice. ‘From the beginning we wanted to donate back to our community. The Lions and Lionesses clubs are a wonderful help leading up to [the event, and on] fête day.’
With record numbers through the gate last year, 2021 is set to be another success. When asked what it is that drives Deanna and Min to open the gates of Stover Farm each year, they enthuse, ‘We enjoy greeting the visitors and seeing the joy and excitement on their faces when they have found something new or different to purchase. We just love the remarkable feedback from our visitors who have enjoyed their day at the fête and also taken time to explore Geraldine.’
The Geraldine Summer Féte is happening Thursday, 4 November 2021 at Stover Farm in Geraldine. For more information, visit
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